Pre 17 Driving Course
Want to get your kids driving, but can't get a regular weekly driving slot with a driving school, due to the Covid back log? Afraid you might teach your child the wrong driving habits before they start regular driving lessons? Why not start as you mean to go on, with our driving course which prepares students perfectly ahead of their first lesson, and teaches the parents the right way to instruct, and how to go about it.
This six hour driving course, over three weekends, is the perfect way to get your child ready for commencing their driving lessons. The beauty of this under 17 driving course is that it is carried out at Dunsfold aerodrome, a private track, three miles long, the perfect quiet environment to learn to drive. What we aim to do with the pre 17 driving course is to get the parents involved in their child's early learning, so they can start driving together, but in a way which will not conflict with the coaching they receive when they start their weekly lessons. Parents can be confident that they understand the way they need to coach the driving basics, as they will sit in the back of the car at the end of each session and be shown by their child what has been coached, with our instructor talking through with the parent as their child demonstrates, so that they in turn can coach them correctly when they go out together - this will make those first drives so less stressful! We also provide the parents with a checklist, so that they in turn can ensure their child is implementing their new found skills in the correct fashion, so they are less likely to contradict what has been taught.
Let's take you through the three two hour sessions and the content which will be covered.
Session 1 (2hours)
Clutch, braking and acceleration control
Mirror use
Biting point, degrees of bite, and how we use them
Clutch creep
Steering control
Moving away - how to, routine - MSM
Pulling in - how to, routine - MSM
Gear change - the Seesaw method
Lane control and position
How to approach bends
Engine braking
Sharing with the parents
Session 2 (2hours)
Refresh on session 1 - address any issues or concerns
How to approach junctions, routine - MSPSL
Refresh on clutch creep
Approaching blind and open junctions
Turning right at a T Junction
Turning left into a T Junction
Turning left into a side road
Turning right into a side road
Hill starts
Sharing with the parents
Session 3 (2hours)
Refresh on session 2 - address any issues
Forward bay park
Reverse bay park
Emergency stop
Right reverse
Sharing with parents